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Peregrine TM Pro Hawk Kites

Bird Control, Bird Control Products

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 Bird Control

Birds are instinctively afraid of the Peregrine Hawk Kite.


The Hawk Kite is very effective for Seagull, Pigeon, Crow, Rook and Geese Control. It has been used for seagull control in London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Bournemouth. Cornwall, Southapton, and across the U.K. Europe and North America. Seagulls have harsh squawking calls, longer bills and webbed feet.  are generally medium to large birds, usually grey and white, often with black markings on the head and wings. 


Seagulls are highly adaptable feeders that opportunistically take a wide range of food sources. Seagulls will eat anything from saltwater invertebrates to fruit and landfill garbage.


Seagulls are moving into built up areas to nest. One of the main reasons is because food sources are readily available both from people deliberately feeding them and an ongoing issue of refuse strewn around roads and streets. Breeding seagull pairs court in April and commence nest building from early May onwards. Nests are generally constructed from straw, grass, twigs, paper and any other material the gull can conveniently use. These nests can be large and if they are made of material accumulated over several years and they can become quite heavy. This means that if a breeding site is established the gulls will most likely return year after year.


May onwards Eggs are laid from early with 2 or 3 being the usual number. The eggs take about three weeks to hatch, which means that the first chicks are seen around the beginning of June. The chicks grow quickly and are quite active, which means that they often fall from their nests. In towns this often means that they are unable to return to their nests. Small chicks will die if they are not returned, but the larger chicks will be protected by their parents and fed on the ground. The chicks generally fledge in August and then take about three years to reach maturity when they in turn will start to breed. The life expectancy for gulls can be up to 20 years.


Gulls are social creatures and once roof nesting gets a hold, other gulls will start to move in to an area and nest on adjacent buildings, until their numbers build up sufficiently that a colony is established.


The best method to prevent gulls from nesting on your property is to sufficiently proof your property against the birds so that the nests are not built there in the future. The more people who proof their properties, and maintain them, the more likely it is that gulls will be forced out of residential areas to nest in other areas where they will be less likely to be a nuisance to the



The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite is a self-launching pigeon and seagull-scaring kite.  The combination kits consists of a either a telescopic flexible six metre pole with a specially designed kite attached to the pole on a high strength line or a 13 metre aluminium pole and line.  It is fixed easily by inserting our tough glass fibre stake into the ground and positioning the pole over the top for the 6 metre hawk kite combination or attaching the kite and line to the 13 metre aluminium pole. – it takes about five minutes to complete installation.


The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite scares seagulls and pigeons off the buildings with little maintenance day and night. They are developed to be silent so they do not both yourself or neighbors! The Peregrine Hawk Kites are made heavy-duty material with strong stitching so they are long lasting. They are hand made in England.


The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite bird controller is made with the highest quality materials to make it as durable as possible. Unlike many other pigeon scaring devices Hawk Kite is always changing its pattern of flight. It varies its manifestation by altering its flight pattern, speed and height depending on the strength of the wind therefore the pigeons, seagulls and other birds never become accustomed to the kite patterns.


If you’ve got pigeons or seagulls you’ve most likely have ongoing issues with them. These issues will get worse each year as the pigeons and seagulls nest year over year. The Peregrine Hawk Kite is a wise choice for a quick, cost effective relief of the problematic birds.  The bird scaring Hawk Kite is always flying, it is quick and easy to move and very effective.  Takes minutes to put up and seconds to take down.  Can be placed close to the edges of areas where pigeon tend to attack without upsetting any neighbors, as they are silent. When in need of storing the Hawk Kite the 6 metre simple folds down and is stored in it’s original box until needed once again. The 13 metre can also be taken down and stored in its original box in sections.



he Hawk Kite is very effective for Pigeon Control. It has been used for pigeon and seagull control in London, Exeter, Southampton, Cornwall and across the U.K. Europe and North America. Pigeons are plump, gentle, small-billed birds with a skin saddle between the bill and forehead. All Pigeons strut about with a characteristic bobbing of the head. Because of their long wings and powerful flight muscles, they are strong, swift fliers. Pigeons are monogamous and the survivor accepts a new mate only slowly. Feral pigeons, also called city Pigeons, or street Pigeons, are derived from domestic Pigeons that have returned to the wild.


Pigeons can be found deep within cities and all the way out to some suburban areas as well. And these birds are considered to be prolific breeders, so, where you see a few, there are sure to be many more.


Pigeons can be a real nuisance.  Trying to move Pigeons along can be stressful for homeowners and apartment dwellers. Pigeons are also fairly dirty birds. They carry a host of diseases and parasites and leave kilos of droppings each year.


Pigeons are a determined bird, doggedly living near humans because of the ample food supply. These birds are indiscriminate eliminators of waste, leaving liquid splatters of dropping anywhere they travel. Their lack of concern for cleanliness extends into their everyday activities, and water contamination has been traced back to pigeon carcasses and feces in water towers near roosting sites. The waste from these birds, which are most commonly seen in urban areas, is very corrosive. Concrete, limestone and metal all suffer from the ill-effects of pigeon droppings. In cities, constant cleanup alone costs thousands of dollars. 


Pigeons are most often seen in cities. This habitat preference is largely due to the surplus of food available and the high roosting opportunities. Pigeons are fond of the water towers on tall buildings, often building messy nests on the rim. For this reason, most cities require water towers be completely sealed to prevent the birds or their waste from contaminating the water supply. A pigeon will nest almost anywhere and will often do so with many others of its kind. A roost can be made atop any vertical surface. Pigeons are known in invade gutters, ducts, air conditioners, attics, warehouses, and drains. They are not overly concerned with sanitary conditions and will utilize any vertical object in any location for their purposes. 


Pigeons are also very food-driven. This problem has been made serious by the continued, deliberate feeding of the birds in urban areas. The birds have little fear of humans and will often converge around people in parks and near restaurants. Pigeon feeding is a common hobby of many city-goers, yet another reason for the lack of caution around humans. 

Egg laying can take place as often as every other month. Courtship between the male and the female is brief, and the resulting egg clutch usually only contains two eggs. An abundance of pigeons will result in quick overpopulation, regardless of how many eggs are laid per pair

Fortunately, Pigeons are scared of the Peregrine TM Hawk Kite as they have a distinctive fear of the Peregrine Falcon.
The Peregrine TM Kite is a self-launching pigeon and seagull-scaring kite.  The combination kits consists of a either a telescopic flexible seven metre pole with a specially designed kite attached to the pole on a high strength line or a 13 metre aluminium pole and line.  It is fixed easily by inserting our tough glass fibre stake into the ground and positioning the pole over the top for the 7 metre hawk kite combination or attaching the kite and line to the 13 metre aluminium pole. – it takes about five minutes to complete installation.

The Peregrine TM Kite scares seagulls and pigeons off the buildings with little maintenance day and night. They are developed to be silent so they do not both yourself or neighbors! The Peregrine Hawk Kites are made heavy-duty material with strong stitching so they are long lasting. They are hand made in England.


The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite bird controller is made with the highest quality materials to make it as durable as possible. Unlike many other pigeon scaring devices Hawk Kite is always changing its pattern of flight. It varies its manifestation by altering its flight pattern, speed and height depending on the strength of the wind therefore the pigeons, seagulls and other birds never become accustomed to the kite patterns.



The Hawk Kite is very effective for Crow Control. It has been used for crow and rook control in London, Manchester, Notingham, Bristol and across the U.K. Europe and North America. Crows and Rooks have been congregating in large roosts for as long as they have existed. Crow and Rook roosts can range from small and scattered roosts of under one hundred individuals to large roosts of hundreds of thousands of birds. Most roosts are much smaller, but roosts of tens of thousands are common.


Before heading to roost, Crows or Rooks will congregate in some area away from the final roosting site, usually an hour or two before complete darkness. There the Crows and Rooks spend a lot of time communicating, chasing each other and fighting. When darkness falls the main body of the group will move toward the final roosting spot. Sometimes this movement is quiet, but most often it is very noisy. It has been documented that Crows or Rooks come together from several separate congregation areas, heading to one final staging area, then they all head to the final roost. The final roost can be a cohesive group in a single woodlot, or it can be rather diffusely spread out over quite a wide area of suitable trees.


Once Crows and Rooks have settled on a roosting area they are very difficult to eradicate. One should be most vigilant in stopping the process before they become settled as they will soon become a nuisance.


If you believe you have Crows or Rooks looking to start a roost, you will want to be proactive in applying a Peregrine TM Hawk Kite before they settle permanently. Crow control products from Bird Control Systems deter nosy crow problem birds away from buildings, fields.


If you’ve got pigeons, seagulls, rooks, crows, geese, or sparrows you’ve most likely have ongoing issues with them. These issues will get worse each year as the pigeons and seagulls nest year over year. The Peregrine Hawk Kite is a wise choice for a quick, cost effective relief of the problematic birds.  The bird scaring Hawk Kite is always flying, it is quick and easy to move and very effective.  Takes minutes to put up and seconds to take down.  Can be placed close to the edges of areas where pigeon tend to attack without upsetting any neighbors, as they are silent. When in need of storing the Hawk Kite the 7 metre simple folds down and is stored in it’s original box until needed once again. The 13 metre can also be taken down and stored in its original box in sections.

Beechwood Hall Hotel, Worthing, Paul Willey– Hawk Kite and 7m Pole

“Extremely impressed and pleased.  No Seagulls for 3 weeks now!  I am going to contact the local newspaper to suggest doing an article on its [Hawk Kites] success as there are so many Seagulls in this area”.


Rolex Watch Company, Head Office, Facilities Manager

-Hawk Kites, 7 & 13 m Poles 

“We’ve tried many & various manufacturers and have returned to use this particular bird kite due to the build quality and effectiveness. We have a huge variety of bird issues and all have gone away since using this particular manufacturer’s product.”

The Peregrine  TM Hawk Kite is the most effective universal Bird Scarer available.

No hidden costs. £10 shipping to most of U.K.

The Hawk kite is excellent for seagull control.

The Peregrine Hawk Kite is used by hotels, businesses and residents across the U.K., Europe and North America. It is used for Seagulls in Liverpool, Pigeons and other problematic birds. From Seagulls in Cornwall and Bournemouth to Pigeons in London and Birmingham, Dorset an Exeter, the Hawk Kite is a effective tool for bird control.

Purchase and shipping internationally.

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Peregrine Hawk Kites

Bird Control Systems Ltd.

Unit 1A, Fordingbridge Business Park

Ashford Road, Fordingbridge

Hampshire, UK


T: +44 (0) 01425 654 967

F: +44  (0) 01425 839 367




 Credit card payments are processed through Worldpay.

Bird Control Systems Ltd. registration number is 8601893 and is registered at 10 Bridge Street, Christchurch Dorset, BH23  U.K.

Peregrine Pro Hawk Kites is a registered trade mark of Bird Control Systems Ltd.

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