Hotels using the Peregrine Hawk Kite for Pigeon Control and seagull control.

Quotes from Home Owners using hawk kites for pigeon and seagull control. FREE SHIPPING on the FAMOUS Peregrine Pro Hawk Kite.

Marinas using the bird scarer from Bird Control Systems for seagull control.

Hotels using the Peregrine Hawk Kite for Pigeon Control and seagull control.
Peregrine TM Pro Hawk Kites
Testimonials of Peregrine Hawk Kite users
Envar Composting, ADAS Group of Companies, Technical & Compliance -Hawk Kite and 13 metre poles
"Just to say how pleased we are with your Peregrine Hawk in keeping at bay the gull and pigeon problem at our composting site.
We have tried other cheaper birds but find them to be less robust or effective.
Many thanks also for your prompt customer service."
Imperial Wharf Marina – Hawk Kite and 7m pole
“Doing a grand job on Seagulls, we are very pleased. Working very well, works a treat!”
The Ritz Hotel, London – Hawk Kites and 7m poles
“This is brilliant, and keeps the Pigeons away effortlessly. We are most impressed and would highly recommend it”
AJ Howe Field Maintenance – 2 x Hawk Kites and 7m poles
“Works brilliantly.”
Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth – Hawk Kite and 13m and 7m poles
"We are very pleased with the Hawks, and lots of people see it flying and ask where they can get one from. We are very happy to recommend them to you!”
Paul Willey, Beechwood Hall Hotel, Worthing – Hawk Kite and 7m Pole
“Extremely impressed and pleased. No Seagulls for 3 weeks now! I am going to contact the local newspaper to suggest doing an article on its [Hawk Kites] success as there are so many Seagulls in this area”
Phil Edwards, Site Manager, Deacon Business Park – Hawk Kite and 7m pole
“Just to report that the ‘Hawk’ bird scaring kite we purchased from you last year seems to be working!
…When we put the kite up, the 20+ gulls on roof at present, immediately take to the air and do not land again anywhere on the roof….
..My managers (and everyone who sees the kite) are impressed and consider it was an excellent buy.”
John Everett, The Dove Pier, London – Hawk Kite and 7m pole
“It does a good job, and when people comment to me or ask me about it, which happens a lot, I always recommend it. I am very pleased with it!”
Julie Howell, The Enterprise Barge – Hawk Kite and 7m Pole
“I find the Hawk Kite to be doing a good job.”
Royal Guernsey Golf Club – Hawk Kite and 7m Poles
“Very, very effective. Keeps the gulls away, very good!”
John French – Hawk Kite & 13m pole
“Your Hawk Kite is a vital component in the defence against Pigeons and I have had years of faithful service from it.”
Best Western Hotel – Hawk Kite and 7m Pole
“We bought one as our neighbour has one and they have no Seagulls there! Now we don’t either!”
Marina Developments, Southampton – Hawk Kite and 7m Pole
“The Hawk Kite has proved to be very effective against Seagulls.”
Rolex Watch Company, Head Office Facilities Manager -Hawk Kites, 7 & 13 m Poles
“We’ve tried many & various manufacturers and have returned to use this particular bird kite due to the build quality and effectiveness. We have a huge variety of bird issues and all have gone away since using this particular manufacturer’s product.”
Ivan Powell
I don’t usually take notice of reviews as the source is not always reliable but please take it from me this kite is superbly effective. After suffering from seagull problem and having a pair nest on my chimney stack, I felt I had to take action after being constantly dive bombed and pooped on as soon as I even thought about going into my garden.. So.. to prevent them even contemplating nesting again I invested in the peregrine falcon kite and what an instant success it has been. The kite arrived in super quick time and communication was excellent from Kirby at peregrinehawkkites.com. Within 5 minutes it was in the air and doing exactly ‘what it says on the tin’ Now don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t fool all of the seagulls all of the time as they ‘ain’t that stupid’ but it definitely kept them away from my block. My neighbors have commented on the effectiveness and one even sits in his conservatory just watching it ‘in flight’ If you’ve got a seagull problem then invest in this kite you won’t regret any penny of the cost.
Other Allsopp (our parent company) Customers Include:
ADAS; Scottish Agricultural Science Agency; US Dept. Of Agriculture; University of Nottingham; HRI Kirton; HRI Efford; Danish Agricultural Advisory Centre; Dansk Research; Plant Breeding International; ICI (Zeneca); Germains(UK); Vitacress Salads; Amal-Gro; Bransden Farms; G&J Peck; R. Struthers Farms; Triffit Nurseries; Bathurst Estate; Sharps International Seeds; Royal Sluis; William G. Sutherland; Betteshanger Farms; Sir Michael Colman Farms; Montana Vineyards; Test Valley Vineyard; Hyde Vineyard; "La Source" Holiday Resort; Courtaulds Chemicals; Uniroyal Chemicals; Biffa Waste; Greenways Waste Management; Thames Waste Services; Antrim County C.
This is just a very small selection of a few of our thousands of customers worldwide. Hawk Kites can be posted anywhere and are presently exported to dozens of countries, from the Arctic to the Tropics. So the provision of superb, silent and reliable bird control anywhere on Earth, is just a phone call away.
The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite
The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite is the most effective universal Bird Control Device available.
No hidden costs. £10.50 - £12.50 shipping to most of U.K.